4 Key Mistakes to Avoid When Buying and Selling at the Same Time
Many people find themselves in the situation of having to buy a new home and sell their current one at the same time. Down payments on a new home require a lot of money...
6 Things You Need to Know Before Buying a Home with a Guesthouse
For many people, a private guesthouse is a dream-come-true feature on their home wish-list. And no, we're not talking about opening a B&B in your own home. We're...
Mortgage Rates: Why They Fluctuate and What to Do About It
Anyone looking for a mortgage for a home purchase will need to come to grips with interest rates. This is a confusing area for many buyers but one you have to get an...
Top 10 Questions to Ask a Mortgage Lender
If you're in the market for a new home, you'll want to be just as careful in picking a lender as you are in choosing a home. Loans and lenders come in all shapes and...