Protection During the Home Buying Process

Dec 13, 2017First-Time Home Buyers, Homebuying Process

Homebuying Protection

Enjoy peace of mind during the home buying process by planning ahead and finding a buyer agent before you shop for your new home. The ideal agent, one exclusively representing real estate buyers, can be found through an interview based on the kind of questions they hope buyers will ask of them. Don’t make the mistake of finding your agent through an Open House or calling the Listing Agent or real estate office about a particular home.

Since it is not uncommon for new agents or part-timers to conduct Open Houses and do “up-time” answering the phones at the real estate offices, you may end up with someone who hasn’t had much experience.

If you call Listing Agents who specialize in listing houses, not focusing on buyers’ needs, you may end up with an agent who will do a better job selling your house when the time comes rather than serving your needs and wants now as a home buyer.

NAEBA members work under a defined Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice, both of which revolve around the idea of buyer representation. This means that you can relax, knowing that your EBA is doing their best to protect you throughout the home buying process.


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