NAEBA stands for Exclusive Buyer Agent, a Distinction Above All Others

Dec 13, 2017Real Estate Tips

Like medical doctors, real estate agents often have business cards with titles that read like alphabet soup. It can be intimidating to the patient or home buyer and yet it can make a world of difference in the outcome of your health treatment or home-buying experience, says John Sullivan, President of the National Association of Exclusive Buyer Agents (NAEBA). “Exclusive Buyer Agents (EBAs) work solely for buyers, avoiding the conflicts of interest inherent in the traditional seller-oriented purchase transactions. This unique relationship of committed trust and care assures buyers the best possible home buying experience.” The National Association of Exclusive Buyer Agents (NAEBA) is an organization of real estate professionals who have dedicated their business lives to representing only buyers of real estate. To avoid conflicts, NAEBA members do not list homes for sale and never represent sellers. This restriction to one side of the real estate transaction ensures that the interest of home buyers is protected in every step of the real estate transaction, from house-hunting and negotiation, to inspection, financing and closing. When working with a NAEBA real estate agent, a buyer can be reassured that the agent will go above and beyond the norm, gathering all relevant data possible and proactively sharing that with the buyer. NAEBA members adhere to a code of ethics that is unwavering. The membership takes great pride in being the advocate for the buyer only vs. balancing both the interests of the buyer with the seller. Your Realtor of choice, a NAEBA member, may also be a member of a number of other organizations or have qualified for many other designations that further contribute to their competency. ABR Accredited Buyer Representative CEBA Certified Exclusive Buyer Agent CEBA-M Certified Exclusive Buyer Agent – Master CCIM Certified Commercial Investment Member CRB Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager CRP Certified Relocation Professional CRS Certified Residential Specialist GRI Graduate of the REALTOR® Institute LTG Leadership Training Graduate RRS Registered Relocation Specialist (Canadian equivalent to the U.S. Certified Relocation Professional) AACI Accredited Appraiser Canadian Institute ACCI Associate Canadian Condominium Institute ALC Accredited Land Consultant AMO Accredited Management Organization ARM Accredited Resident Manager CAPM Certificate in Advanced Property Marketing CBR Certified Buyers Representative CEA Certificate of Estate Agency CGA Certified General Appraiser CIPS Certified International Property Specialist CPM Certified Property Manager CRA Canadian Residential Appraiser CRE Counselor in Real Estate CREA Certified Real Estate Appraiser CRSS Certified Real Estate Securities Sponsor CSP Certified Sales Professional FRI Fellow of the Real Estate Institute FRICS Fellow Royal Institute Chartered Surveyors GAA General Accredited Appraiser MAI Member of the Appraisal Institute MVA Market Value Appraiser RI Professional Division RM Residential Member SIOR Society of Industrial and Office REALTORs® SRA Senior Residential Appraiser SREA Senior Real Estate Analyst SRS Specialist in Real Estate Securities


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