Even Wikipedia Knows the Difference Between an Exclusive Buyer Agent and the Rest of the Realtors

Dec 13, 2017First-Time Home Buyers, Home Financing

National Association of Exclusive Buyer Agents members work solely on behalf of home buyers in real estate transactions, ensuring trust and committed representation. Denver, CO (PRWEB) December 14, 2009—From its headquarters a few miles west of the epicenter of Phoenix, the National Association of Exclusive Buyer Agents is working to educate the U.S. population about exactly what it is that an Exclusive Buyer Agent does. One of the ways NAEBA is gaining ground in its mission is through the launch of its new website in 2009, https://naeba.wpengine.com. Another huge factor in building awareness is the recent inclusion in Wikipedia, the definitive online tool that vets all pop phenomenon, cultural references that shape modern day living. Wiki, it turns out, now cites NAEBA in its official citation about Exclusive Buyer Agents (EBA). Turns out hundreds of thousands of people turn to Wiki one or more times in a day, sometimes because the reference they’re checking is linked automatically to Wiki and other times because Wiki is so easy to use that it’s a no-brainer. As of December 2009, Wiki defines an Exclusive Buyer Agent as one who works solely for the buyer, avoiding the conflicts of interest inherent in the traditional seller-oriented purchase transaction. Representing only buyers of real estate, EBA firms never take listings and, therefore, never represent the seller in a real estate transaction. The number of EBAs nationwide is less than ½ of 1 percent of all real estate firms, making their service even more rare at a time the real estate market really needs representatives to help buyers who are pressured to beat the clock, complete their purchase before the now-extended first-time buyer’s tax credit runs out. Exclusive Buyer Agent (EBAs) work solely for buyers, avoiding the conflicts of interest inherent in the traditional seller-oriented purchase transactions. This unique relationship of committed trust and care assures buyers the best possible home buying experience. The Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled in 1999 that “Sellers’ agents and dual agents do not and cannot by law give a buyer the same degree of loyalty as an agent who acts on behalf of a buyer. Sellers’ agents owe their allegiance to the seller. Dual agency invites a conflict of interest. A buyer who relies on the seller’s agent or on dual agency does not receive the same degree of legal protection as that afforded by an agent acting solely on behalf of the buyer.” Exclusive buyer agent firms chose this business model to eliminate the conflict of interest that exists when one firm attempts to represent both buyer and seller in the same transaction. It is the opinion of EBAs that it is not possible to faithfully represent clients with opposing interests simultaneously. The EBA movement started in the late 1980s and by the early 1990s, as with the rise of buyer agency in general in U.S. states, firms came into being and a national trade association, the National Association of Exclusive Buyer Agents (NAEBA), was formed. According to NAEBA, EBA firms offer service to buyers in all 50 states. Exclusive Buyer Agents are 100% loyal to Home Buyers 100% of the Time! Exclusive Buyers Agents are located in every state in the United States including: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. The service structure for EBA real estate practitioners is to show buyers all possible listings from other cooperating brokers as well as all other sources, such as for sale by owners. Then, they assist the buyer with evaluation and negotiation and advocate in the buyer’s best interests without restriction. The National Association of Exclusive Buyer Agents (NAEBA) is pioneering a nationwide effort to give today’s home-buying consumers the level of service they deserve and are increasingly demanding. NAEBA professional members firmly believe that home buyers have the same full and equal representation rights as sellers in any real estate transaction. Before buying a home or real estate, NAEBA recommends buyers interview several real estate agents, asking each of them the following questions. Exclusive Buyers Agent can answer yes to these questions while other Real Estate agents and Realtors often can’t.

  • Do you spend 100% of your time representing Buyers?
  • Will you guarantee that you will not represent any seller at any time while you are working for me?
  • Do you, or the company you hang your license with, ever list properties for sale?
  • Will you point out all negatives of each property you show me as well as the positive aspects, fully informing me so that I can make the best decision?
  • Will you provide me data on comparable sales and help me formulate an offering price and negotiating strategy?
  • Do you have a resources-lenders, home inspectors, insurance agents and other professionals that you can recommend to me?
  • Will you tell me everything you can find out about the seller and their reasons for selling?
  • Will you show me all the homes on the market that meet my expressed needs and desires including properties For Sale By Owner, foreclosures, etc?
  • Will you guarantee that information I share with you will be kept confidential?
  • Will you guarantee me your undivided loyalty?
  • Will you guarantee me you will not try to change your relationship with me to “dual agency”, “designated agent”, transactional agent”, or any other form of agency other than Exclusive Buyer Agent?
  • Can you guarantee me all of your loyalty, 100% of your loyalty, all of the time, 100% of the time?

Listing agents have homes to sell. Exclusive Buyer Agents do not. To find a NAEBA agent in your state, visit https://naeba.wpengine.com. For information about NAEBA, contact Kimberly Kahl, CAE, NAEBA Executive Director at 888-NAEBA99.


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