HUD Secretary Donovan Announces Plan for Immediate Access to First Time Home Buyer Credit

Dec 13, 2017First-Time Home Buyers

Qualified first time home buyers will be eligible for a tax credit of up to $8,000 when filing their annual tax return. On Friday, May 29, 2009, however, HUD Secretary Donovan announced that the tax credit may be immediately available to those buyers.

Currently, borrowers who apply for an FHA-insured mortgage are required tomake a minimum down payment of 3.5% when purchasing a home. The 3.5% is still required, but nowlenders canmonetize the tax creditto cover closing costs or for an additional down payment. According to HUD, “this program will allow homebuyers to shop for the best home price and services using their anticipated tax credit.”

For more information, see thepress release from HUDor viewMortgagee Letter 09-15.


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