4 Myths about Buying a Home Directly Through a Listing Agent
Anxious home buyers have some mistaken beliefs about how to succeed, according to a recent article by Bernice Ross in Inman News. Ross reported that too many buyers are...
Housing Insecurity Pressuring More Americans
Many of today's renters hope to become home buyers, but the escalating cost of rent is making the transition harder to accomplish. According to a recent article in...
Buying a Home in a Seller’s Market
Rising home prices, multiple offers and short days-on-market are the norm in many locales, causing special frustration for first-time home buyers! While market...
Radon Facts Every Home Buyer Should Know
You might assume radon is a problem “somewhere else,” but this clear, odorless, tasteless, inert radioactive gas exists in all 50 states. It can exist in any home or...